Landen, Austin, Ethan, and Taylor (The only boys from our ward there)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Cub Scout Day Camp
Landen, Austin, Ethan, and Taylor (The only boys from our ward there)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Drunk as A SKUNK!
Robin had the enjoyment of getting ALL of her wisdom teeth pulled in addition to a fifth tooth that had become infected after a botched root canal in Texas. Robin was quite entertaining to both the staff and my camera. She was so out of it that the nurse insisted on bringing her out to the car in a wheel chair. Robin was smiling and having a great time. I had to take the video so I would have proof to back my observation with Robin. Of course when I started to tell her about the way she was acting I was immediately countered with comments of "No I didn't!" or "You are making that up!" Well, lets just say that the truth is in the eye of the beholder and Robin had only laughter induced tear filled eyes to respond to my video. I hope you like this and please understand that this is not how Robin normally acts. It was the meds.... I swear!!
Below is a compilation of the videos I took while driving home.
Oh yeah, one last thing... upon our arrival at home I had to assist Robin into the house. We start next to the passenger door with her arm draped around me. I tell her to walk forward by starting with her left leg. She smiles and looks down "which one is the left?" I pointed to her left and what followed took me by surprise. She stretched her leg as far as humanly possible, so far that she had almost done the splits. Quickly I pulled her up before falling over. Trying a new method, I simply tell her to walk with me. Before we could enter the house we had to overcome a massive two inch step; or at least it seemed that way. I asked Robin to lift her leg just a little bit to avoid tripping. Robin conducted a standing high hurdle maneuver and placed her right foot on the ground. Her leg raised up to with her knee becoming even with my shoulder and down again. It was quite the effort to cover only six inches. Now the left foots turn. Robin followed the same manner as the right, but instead bringing her leg to the ground, she managed to continue lifting until her leg rested on the screen door handle. After a few moments, both legs were on the ground I managed to get her into the house without further complications and she fell asleep. In light of all that has taken place, I am so grateful and truly blessed that everything went well! Love you Honey... please don't be mad at me!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Birthday Lunch
Sherries husband Taylor is deployed to Bahrain right now. She will be leaving to Utah this Wednesday to spend the summer with her family and stay as busy as possible helping time fly by. When she returns, so will her hubby and all will be right in the world! ;)
We all chose to go to the Cheesecake Factory for Lunch. I promised myself I would not eat cheesecake after lunch. You can see how well that promise went later! ;)
Here we are before we started stuffing our pie-holes. But boy it was worth it! ;)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Ethan gets his Bear
Water Fun
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Buy me some Peanuts and Cracker-Jacks

Monday, June 6, 2011
Memorial Day Barbecue
Our friend Sherrie Burton currently is a single mom with her husband deployed to Bahrain. She is a TROOPER and really hanging in there. We all met at her house for a Memorial day hangout/barbecue. It was tons of fun, the kids all had a blast and we are grateful she allowed everyone to crash her house! Here are a few/ton pictures from that fun day! Thanks again Sherrie!
Ethan and Mackay (Sherries son) jumping on their tramp!
Yep, that's our grill! ha ha! We drove it to Sherries and lucky Darren got to 'man the grill' in the lovely heat! But the food was delish! Thanks babe!
More jumping
5 second rest
Resume jumping
Darren cooling off inside for a bit
Cute Jake
Easton, Sherrie's youngest son! He is HIL-AR-IOUS!
Mackay! Never wanting to smile for me!
Cute Sherrie!
I got to squish Brooke's new baby Scott Taylor Greenstreet!
He is soooo cute!
Mike and Brooke Greenstreet
Cute Mike and Brooke
Nothing better than corn on the cob!