Our friend Sherrie Burton currently is a single mom with her husband deployed to Bahrain. She is a TROOPER and really hanging in there. We all met at her house for a Memorial day hangout/barbecue. It was tons of fun, the kids all had a blast and we are grateful she allowed everyone to crash her house! Here are a few/ton pictures from that fun day! Thanks again Sherrie!
Ethan and Mackay (Sherries son) jumping on their tramp!
Yep, that's our grill! ha ha! We drove it to Sherries and lucky Darren got to 'man the grill' in the lovely heat! But the food was delish! Thanks babe!
More jumping
5 second rest
Resume jumping
Darren cooling off inside for a bit
Cute Jake
Lily, Jake and Emma (Brooke Greenstreet's daughter). She was so sweet to share all her little toys with Lily and Jacob!
Easton, Sherrie's youngest son! He is HIL-AR-IOUS!
Mackay! Never wanting to smile for me!
Cute Sherrie!
I got to squish Brooke's new baby Scott Taylor Greenstreet!
He is soooo cute!
Mike and Brooke Greenstreet
Brooke, Debi and her baby Tyce, Easton, Me, baby Scott, and Lily
Cute Lily

Cute Mike and Brooke

Nothing better than corn on the cob!

Cute Mike and Brooke
Nothing better than corn on the cob!
The kids getting ready for Family Home Evening

Cute Andrew
After her lesson, she had the kids color a thank you card to Taylor (Sherrie's husband who is deployed) to tell him Happy Memorial Day and to thank him for his service. The kid had fun coloring and drawing flags and using the fun stickers! Then we went outside to take family pictures to send along with the thank you cards!
Ashton making his card
Back outside we went! Darren was getting the camera ready to take the family pictures, so he had me moving and doing all sorts of tricks! ha ha! :)
The Greenstreet Family. Andrew, Mike, baby Scott, Brooke, and cute Emma!
The Burton Family (Missing their Daddy and Husband Taylor) :(

The Bingham family: Loni, baby Tyce, Ada, and Debi (Rick was gone also, thankfully just to training for a few weeks, but not deployed, although she's done her fair share of deployments also!) yuck!

Our Family
The Davies Family. She is ready to 'Pop' any second! infact, they made a quick trip to the hospital and back during the barbecue. False alarm! ;)
F.H.E Treat: Smores! Yummy!
Brooke throwing a marshmallow at me!
We had a wonderful Memorial Day! Thank you again Sherrie for letting us crash your pad and for the great company we all had together! Great friends, great times! ;)
I think memorial day barbecues are one of the greatest American traditions :)
What a fun set of pictures! We miss you guys in Galveston Ward (yes, years later, we are still missing you!), but are glad to be able to keep up on your lives.
ahhh, so cute - what a fun day!
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