Winter came…… I think….. It didn’t get cold very long and overall we had GREAT health this winter. Until March. (Well, Lily did get Strep in February). Any way. Overall we’ve been blessed. The boys (Ethan and Ashton) got a NASTY virus from school I’m assuming. They both got it the same day. (Tuesday of last week) The were out the Entire week except Monday! UGH!!! High Fevers, Sore throats, and literally NO energy. I had them tested for strep. Negative. So…. We just waited. They literally had fevers for 6 days! No joke! This was the Longest Virus EVER! This mom is Sick of sick kids! The nice thing? Quiet, calm, well behaved boys. But all things must come to an end, even nasty viruses!

Oh! Maybe not! Guess who both got fevers today? ( The same day the older two finally are better?) Yep! The younger two! Lily and Jacob! Jacob at 103.5, and Lily at 102.9.
Guess I have another week ahead of sick kids. That’s what I get for having so many kids I guess! ha ha! Ugh! Owell.

So what shows up at my door today after church? Homemade chicken noodle soup with homemade egg noodles. And…. Brownies from scratch, not a box! And they were delish! Who brought them? Kate of course! Not only did she go home alone with 4 kids after church while Ben is working, she then proceeds to make soup, brownies, take care of her own 4 kids and then load them all up to bring our family food! She is nuts! But I’m so thankful. That was soooo sweet! ♥
Yummy soup!

Super thick, rich, chocolaty, nutty, chewy, soft, delicious brownie goodness! Sooo good! I’m so glad my boys ate them all! Otherwise…… Well, you know. I would have! :)

Here’s to another week! Hope the younger ones heal quicker! This mamma is SICK of sick kids!