We had a fantastic time in Vernal. I hadn't been home in over 6 years and I was so anxious and excited to go home. Everything has changed so much! Thank you mom and dad for letting us crash at your house! We had such a great time and the kids loved every second of it!
Here is our trip in a nut shell.
Pretty clouds outside the plane window.

My Mom, Me, and My grandpa "Papa".

All the kids with their great grandpa

The kids enjoyed picking yummy vegetables in grandma's garden! It was so plentiful with corn, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, and much more!

Mom and me, in the kitchen where we spent lots of time! ;)

Grandma showing Lily how to make pie crust!

Kisses from Jacob to Grandma!
Ashton's up to bat!

Lily was an all-star! She did great!

Grandpa Steve!

Grammy Sue!

My honey smacked that ball into the neighbors yard! ;)

Ethan was a pro!

I love Ashton's face in this picture! I guess I hit the ball pretty far!

Bath time in Grandma's jet tub! The kids had a blast! They made a huge mess of bubbles everywhere, but it was fun for them!

At the Dinosaur Museum

Me and Mom

Digging for fossils.

Don't eat me!

Remember the Maine!

I have such great memories here! I'm so glad I could take my kids here with my mom for a picnic. We had so much fun!

Grammy with Jacob

Skippin' Rocks!

Exploring Boys

Grammy and Lily having a tea party

Our visit to Erin's house. (My best friend from childhood)

Lily swinging with Ellie

Jacob and Kaia

What me and Erin do best..... Laugh. Every time we're together we laugh until our guts hurt! We have done that since we were little girls! It was so fun to get together with her and her family and it was so awesome spending time with her again!


Trying to be normal!
Darren and Steely always goof off too!

Erin and her family!

Riding the Harley! Grandpa took everyone who wanted to go, on a motorcycle ride! It was so fun! Here is Ethan with Grandpa.

I'm scared!

This is how I feel after my ride!
Darren and Steve.

Ashton and Lily didn't dare go for an actual ride, but they did get on so I could take a picture!

Happy 9th Birthday Ethan! Ethan turned 9 while in Utah. Grandpa and Grandma took us all out to dinner, and then we came back for presents and cake!

Cool school shirts from Grandma!

Cake time!

Make a wish!

Waterslide! The kids kept seeing the big yellow waterslide as we would drive by it, so I promised them we'd go. Well, the day we went it was FREEZING!! But they still had fun!

Daddy and Jacob coming down the slide!


Dinner at the Winn's! Another family I'm very close to are the Winns. They lived across the street from me my entire life growing up. I played with Ann and Cameron at a very young age. I love them so much! They have been so great to our family. They invited us over for dinner. It was so fun to see them again!
Terry at the grill cooking yummy chicken and pork chops!

All the kids jumping on the tramp. My boys mixed with Ann's boys equalled 4 very energetic boys! ;)
Looks like you had a great time in Utah, but even more importantly - you're looking AWESOME!
How fun that you finally got to come back to Utah!!! I love all your pictures!! Looks like everyone had such a great time!!
What a fun trip for you!! I bet it was pretty hard to leave too. I know that I would struggle. I think your littlest boy looks a lot like your grandpa. I thought that was pretty sweet! Your grandpa and your little boy look so cute! How fun for you!!
So FUN! I loved looking at the pictures of your home town, and your family and friends. So awesome.
Ahh! I am glad you got to go, just like I got to go home too. My best friend growing up, and still is, an Erin too! Funny. I loved the long post by the way. Keep em up! Love Debi
that looks sooo fun! I cant believe you were so close and I didn't see you! Kate came, now you, and Cyndi in a month! We wish we could come to VA to visit you guys. Hope it was a blast here :) love ya tons!
Oh.... so glad you guys had such a super trip together and wonderful memories!
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