Lily's Birthday is July 21st, but Darren will be gone all next week for work, so we decided to do it this week so he wouldn't miss it. I'm sure she didn't mind doing it a week early! ;)
I can't believe my baby girl is 3!!!! Time flies too fast. Here are some pics from her Birthday.
Yummy chocolate cake that yours
truly made!

The cute birthday girl

My Princess

Silly Girl

The 3 amigo's. And yes, Jacob was sleeping. As usual.

Patiently waiting for her party to start

Lily with Dora. Her favorite Non-human! ;)

Let the unwrapping begin!

My mom always got me a porcelain doll for each of my birthdays, so I do the same for Lily.

Cute church movies from Grammy Sue

All Lily's presents

Dad and Lily

Mom and Lily

Cake Time!!!

Make a wish!

She's so excited to eat her cake

Chow time

Her new Dora bed from Grammy Sue! Happy Birthday Lily! I love love love you!!!! ♥♥♥♥
how cute is she?
i love the picture of her where she is "patiently waiting." so adorable.
you cake looked so yummy. i think i could eat the whole thing. right now. yummm!
okay--since your husband's going to be gone next week, we FOR REAL need to get together! FOR REAL! i mean it, dangit!
Oh my goodness... cuteness! I can tell you couldn't help but snap a million pictures of her! I would have definitely been doing the same when she's hammin' it up for all of them. I, too, can't believe she's three. Crazy! Give her a big happy birthday hug and kiss from us!
What a cute, happy, smiley girl! Looks like she had a WONDERFUL birthday!
Happy Birthday, Lily! I wish I would have known! You had such a fun party, and I love your new bed!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY!! How fast has time gone!! The big 0-3 for Princess Lily. We hope you have a wonderful day and lots of pampering. Love and miss y'all!!
Such fun pictures. Lily is beautiful, she reminds me so much of you.
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