First Off, I appologize for the poor picture quality. There is something wrong with our camera and it just started. Of course this is so convenient so close to the holidays. Any way, here are some shots of the kids at this farm here in Virginia Beach. If you want to see any of them bigger, just click on them.
I had to include this one of Lily's toes. Can you tell who painted them? :) Again, sorry the pic quality is so poor on these. Bummer.
Oh, Robin! I feel your pain. Our camera did the same exact thing, except our lines were just through about a 1/2 inch of the picture, not the whole thing. Bad timing! I have to say, I get really excited when I see that you've updated your blog.
Robin!!! I'm so glad that you have a blog!! Send me your e-mail and I'll send you an invite to mine. On another note... You're having baby #4!!!! Congrats!
Oh, Robin! I feel your pain. Our camera did the same exact thing, except our lines were just through about a 1/2 inch of the picture, not the whole thing. Bad timing! I have to say, I get really excited when I see that you've updated your blog.
oh, yeah! i am so glad you went to hunt club! i hope you had fun. :)we still need to go....we are running out of time!
So sorry about your camera, but your kids are so cute! We are headed to the pumpkin Festival tonight and can't wait to take pics! Love your blog!
Robin!!! I'm so glad that you have a blog!! Send me your e-mail and I'll send you an invite to mine.
On another note... You're having baby #4!!!! Congrats!
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