This woman is AMAZING! She had 4 children. One passed away. My father shortly after passed away and she was left to raise 3 small children alone. And that she did, and did very well! She set out to work and go back to school. She worked hard every day of her life! I never remember her being lazy. She worked and worked and worked some more! She would put in a full day of work, then come home, clean, cook, do yard work, run us to sports and music lessons, and of course be our mother!
My mom has taught me how to budget, how to clean, how to cook, how to love, and most importantly, how to be a mother! ♥

This is my mom with my sister who passed away. Also a picture of her on her wedding day to my father!

Cute couple!

My mom and me! ♥

From my first baby to my last, my mother has been there helping me all the way. I remember how LOST I was when I had my first baby, and she swooped in, saved the day, and calmed me down! She is truly amazing and I thank Heavenly Father for my mother! And for all the love, memories and lessons she has taught me along the way!

I love you mom! Happy Mother’s Day! ♥