We started off the day with “mini-wheat” cereal. (That was what the birthday boy asked for if he could have anything in the world for breakfast) Easy child! Then off to school he went and then “off to the races” I went! It was a BUSY afternoon, but I got it all done. I was able to make it to his school to bring his class cupcakes during lunch….. Here are the pics from that. Then I was off to grab decorations and presents and come home decorate and wrap before he got home from school!
Jacob stuffing his cheeks with cupcakes. And giving Ashton a hug!
I looked up and saw this little cutie headed towards me! Apparently her class came in after Ashton’s for lunch. I didn’t see her but she saw me! She left her table and came and sat down with us! She is sooo cute!
*Back at home*
Don’t have helium? No problem! Hang balloons upside down from the ceiling! ha ha!
I asked Ashton what kind of cake he wanted (expecting the usual, white, or chocolate, or sprinkles) The answer he gave me was “I want a baseball cake!” Um…… ok? Hmmmmm. So this was the best Darren and I could come up with! We were up late last night putting together this “baseball cake!” He loved it! That’s all that matters! ;)
Presents from Grammy Sue and Grandpa Steve
Make a wish!
Happy Birthday Ashton! We love you!!!
Gr8 to be 8!