I promise this is my last post involving anything October or Halloween! But the pics and events were too fun not to blog!
A couple families from our ward gathered at the Burton’s house for some yummy soup in bread bowls before the trick or treating began! Thank you Burton’s for always opening your home! We had such a great time! Nothing better than good food, friends and fun!
Beef Stew! Chicken Veggie! Baked Potato Soup!
Seriously? Is there anything better than a hot bowl of homemade soup in a bread bowl? I think not!
Cute Brooke! Princess Toad! Lily and Emma! Rick and Tyce!
Dig in!
Parker and Easton. Ethan. MacKay and Easton.
Lily and Paisley! Brooke with her sister Hillary!
“Quit taking my picture!” Okay, I’ll take my own!!! ;)
My kiddos! In different costumes than the night before!
(This year I vowed not to waste money on costumes because we have a tote jammed packed with costumes! So they got to dig through and come up with whatever this year! It worked just fine!)

Preston! Loni!
Getting ready to go trick or treating!!! They were all so excited!!!
(After the group picture the kids took off running! I don’t know if Jacob was confused or felt defeated and left behind, but he ran and started to hide under the van.?.?.?. Before I pulled him out I had to snap a pic! Silly boy!)
Kate, Debi, Sherrie, and Brooke! The firemen handed out whole candy bars!
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