Jacob is already 9 pounds and growing rapidly. He eats more than any of my other babies. His feet are already too big for the sleepers! He's needless to say going to be big! But he'll be fat and happy! Those make the best babies. He is a really good baby and has a sweet spirit. He's still trying to get his nights and days figured out, but he's adjusting as are all of us. Here are some pics of "Mommy and baby", His first bath from grandma, and some other shots. Grandma will be leaving on Monday :( sniff sniff. She has been a huge help and comfort during these last couple weeks. Darren, I, and the kids will miss her greatly!

They change so much with each day!

Grandma and me!

4/09/2009 "smiling in my sleep!"

Getting cleaned up! 4/7/2009

4/9/2009 Interesting choice of fingers to suck!
Oh what a sweetie! You did a great job Robin! It's so fun to see the pictures of your Mom. She is such a sweetie!
Oh man is he a CUTIE!! Oh he makes me want to go cuddle with my baby. He also makes me think my baby is too big already. It really is amazing how fast they grow! Your pics with the baby are great. Isn't it just so much better with them OUT?!!
Oh my goodness, he is SOOOOO cute! Do I see another redhead? I'm glad you posted pictures again, I've been waiting anxiously! Remember, call me when you're feeling up to it.
He is SO darn cute!!!
adorable. looks just like Darren!
Congratulations! He looks beautiful. I seriously laughed out loud when I heard your Jacob Edward story. Too funny. On a more serious note, I teared up when I saw the picture of Darrin touching noses with Jacob and you looking at Jacob. So tender...
Great pics. i love you Robin, you post pics of yourself. I never remember to do that. I will have no pics of me with my kids. Awful. See you tomorrow!Deb
Oh, I just love that photo of him smiling in his sleep! So adorable!
These pictures are precious. Does Jacob have red hair? It kinda looks like it. I always wanted a red head and you know I didn't get one. I bet your mom was sad about leaving. I remember how I felt when I left Marissa's after Finn was born and she only lives a few hours away. Jacob is a beautiful baby!
Hey it is good to hear from you. Your family is so cute and that little boy makes me so Jealous!! I am ready for a baby instead of being all pregnant. Good Luck with your sweet little one!
Oh Robin he is beautiful! You did a great job! It's fun to see your mom again too (in pictures)! I watched AFV and the boys were so excited to see the clip of mommies friend! You guys are great! Congrats on the baby!
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