Thursday, April 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Ashton!
My Ashton is 5 today! I can't believe how fast time flies! I've been looking through his old pics and the thing that strikes me the most is how much Jacob looks like Ashton! They literally are identical as babies! I can't tell them apart. It's like a blueprint of Ashton was made for Jacob. I'm glad though, cause Ashton was the one who looked so different out of Ethan and Lily, so for Jacob to come and look like Ashton, it ties my kids all together. My Ashton was the best baby on earth. He never made a peep, he slept like a champion and never gave his mom any trouble. He has the most easy going personality. He loves his older brother so much! Ashton has brought us so much joy over the past 5 years. He's always smiling, even when he's in trouble. He loves to have fun. I just can't believe he's already 5! Here are some pics of him over the years. I can't find my 2007 files, hopefully they aren't lost. But here are some pics of him as a baby, and you can see how identical to Jacob he is. We'll have his "party" this weekend and post more about that later!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Watch for it!
Several months ago I posted this video of our dog Yoda playing hide and go seek with my hubby Darren. It shows how excited he gets to play. The reason I'm posting again is because we sent it in to American's Funniest Home Videos (AFV) and they will be showing it this Sunday! I thought I'd post it again, so you can watch it and then on Sunday night; if you want, you can watch for our clip to be shown on AFV. It plays on ABC. Enjoy! ;)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Test Results

For those who have followed my blog through my pregnancy you'll know that in the beginning of my pregnancy I was tested for being a carrier of cystic fibrosis. The result was positive and then Darren had to be tested as well and his result was positive too. This caused great stress for the rest of my pregnancy, followed with many other doctor visits and ultrasounds. They wanted me to do an amnio, but I opted out and chose to wait till the baby was born to find out for sure. Having to wait so many months and not knowing if your baby will have this life ending disease was so hard and stressful on us. We researched about the disease and prepared ourselves for the worse case scenario. Finally after waiting for so long, his blood test is back and he is negative for having the disease. Darren and I are so grateful that our little baby will not have to go through having this. We are also so thankful that our other 3 kids did not get it either. We consider ourselves really lucky. Especially since we didn't know we were carriers until our last pregnancy. I don't think we would have had as many kids as we did, if we had known earlier. I guess there's a reason for everything. Jacob had a check up today. he'll be 3 weeks old tomorrow. He's doing so well. He weighs 10lbs even and is growing like a weed. I love this little boy so much already. He is such a little ball of wonderment. I can't get enough of him. I'm so glad now that he is a boy and not a girl. I remember being so sad that he was a boy and that Lily wouldn't have a sister, but now that I have him, I wouldn't trade him for a million girls. Time goes so fast. I'm trying to treasure the newborn phase since this is our last. I know before we know it, he'll be all grown up. Jacob reminds me of a large breed puppy. Like puppies, he is small because he's still a baby, but you know he will be big because his hands and feet are huge! Like puppies that are small with these huge feet that they haven't grown into yet. I know he'll be a big dude. He'll have to be big to protect him self from his older brothers! ;)
This weekend we grilled for dinner. Darren had placed the grill rack on the grass to do something and out ran Ethan not knowing it was on the grass and stepped right on the hot grill. OUCH! Just thought I'd add this pic. Poor kid.
Friday, April 10, 2009
One Week Old
Jacob is already 9 pounds and growing rapidly. He eats more than any of my other babies. His feet are already too big for the sleepers! He's needless to say going to be big! But he'll be fat and happy! Those make the best babies. He is a really good baby and has a sweet spirit. He's still trying to get his nights and days figured out, but he's adjusting as are all of us. Here are some pics of "Mommy and baby", His first bath from grandma, and some other shots. Grandma will be leaving on Monday :( sniff sniff. She has been a huge help and comfort during these last couple weeks. Darren, I, and the kids will miss her greatly!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Baby Jacob
He's finally here. Jacob was born on Thursday April 2nd at 4:21pm. He weighed 8lb 9 oz and was 21 inches long. (he didn't weigh as much as I thought he would). I'm home and trying to get rest. My mom and Darren are my saviors right now. I'm struggling with some "blues" but trying to overcome them. I'll be back to normal hopefully in a couple weeks. The baby is super good. He is a sweet little guy. The kids love him and want to hold him all the time. I'll write more later when I'm up to it. Here are some pics of the new addition. I'll add an album to my facebook page later with more pics. Thanks for all the emails, concerns, and kind things from everyone. We are doing well and adjusting.

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