Here are some shots from our ward Christmas Party last night. Overall the kids had fun. Lily enjoyed herself till it came time to sit on Santa's lap.

Me and Debi. We were being a little too silly last night. Maybe we
were turkey drunk. We took pictures and my classic long tongue
came out. I'm not including my shot of my tongue cause I have
the longest tongue ever, if you want to see it, go to
Debi's page,
thankfully my tongue isn't sticking out as long on her blog.
Kate! Where were you? ;)

Ethan on Santa

Ashton on Santa
Poor Lily

Here is Ethan's school party. I actually made it to one of his
party's this year. It's hard making it when you have 3 other
kiddo's and pregnant. this is the tree he made.
Eating a yummy donut
Boy gift exchange
Ethan's homemade Santa beard
yeah, you and debi SO left me out last night. i see how it is! is it cause i'm not preggers any more? i KNEW it! i'm not cool anymore!
hey, did you try my sweet potato recipe? it was the only one up there...if you didn't, you missed out! see, if you would have hung out with me, you would have known all that!
holy crap. i just checked out the picture of your tongue on debi's blog. dang!
okay, last comment, i'm sorry.
in the picture of darrin sitting at the table...if you look above the head of the girl with the purple shirt on, you can see my forehead and hair. that is ME! so, i WAS there. :)
i have way too much time on my hands right now. sorry.
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