We started off the day with ♥ shaped pancakes for the kids. Then helped them pack their valentines in their backpacks. Lily and Ashton took these cute “fish” valentines. Ethan was “too cool” for that. :-/

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE having a girl so I can do her hair? Look how cute her “heart” hair-do came out! :)

Then it was “library day” for Jake. We went and did story time, and then the rush was on! I ran to the store, grabbed a big stuffed animal, some balloons, chocolates, and a card and headed off to Darren’s work which is FAR away!
(I don’t know how the heck he can stand driving that far every day!)
Here’s me and Jacob driving to his work. I was blowing balloons and throwing them in the car as I tied them.

Now…… My plan in my head was WAY different than how it turned out. But…. It got done, sort of. What started out as 55 balloons ended up to be about 15. I finally found his work, found his truck, opened it. Jake then started being “Jake” and was helping me by throwing balloons out of the van faster than I could grab them and throw them into Darren’s truck. The wind was blowing, I had to pee, Jake was honking the horn, balloons were popping and flying away faster than I could throw them in his truck, but I managed to get a fraction of them in there! The I propped up that giant dog, placed the chocolates and card and slammed the door!

Oh ya, I wrote on his windows too! I got some strange looks from “military people” as I was on top of his truck drawing on his windows. But it was fun! That’s all that matters! :)

Later that night, Darren and I went for sushi at Kanpai! Love that place! WE stuffed our faces with yummy food! Then he took me to Macy’s to pick out a pair of brown boots that I’ve been wanting for sooo long! Thank you! :)

♥ Happy Valentines Day everyone! ♥