Our day out. We went and got pedicures.
Super Cute!
Then went and ate seafood! YUM!!!!
This is where the younger two kids would trap Grammy as much as possible. On the couch with a book!
Lily LOVES puzzles. They put them together many times.
Craft with the kids.
Lily and Grammy unwrapping kisses for the cookies.

Almost didn't post this pic, but it's too funny not to. We didn't realize how CLOSE our tongues were to touching till after we looked at the picture! Pretty funny.

Almost didn't post this pic, but it's too funny not to. We didn't realize how CLOSE our tongues were to touching till after we looked at the picture! Pretty funny.
Darren came home from work on Valentines with a dozen red roses for me, and a dozen pink for my mom. Sweet hubby.

That's all the pics I have. I feel bad I didn't get more of Grammy with the other kids. It's mostly her and Lily, but Lily stayed by her side for the most part. But I have lots of memories of the trip and it was fun. Thank you again Mom for making the effort to come visit us! We love and miss you! ♥♥♥