School has finally come once again. The boys were excited and they did really well. Ashton was a trooper. He couldn't wait to get out the door and onto the bus! The house was very quiet after they left. But it's always good to get back into the swing of things. Here are some shots of the boys on their first day!

Ashton (Does he look excited?)

Waiting at the bus stop with the neighborhood friends.

The bus lady was so cool! She saw that I had a camera in my hand and she said come in here and take a picture of them on the bus! So cute! I know I won't be able to do that for long, because it won't "be cool", so I'm glad I got these pics to remember! ;)
Robin -
SO CUTE!!! I love back to school pictures - Ashtons face is absolutely priceless!!
How fun!! That's awesome you got to take a picture on the bus.
Ohhhhh!!! I love the ones of Ashton! Especially on the bus sitting next to Ethan! You can just see the look in his eye, like "I've been waiting to do this for a long time!"
Oh, what great pictures! Loved to see the boys on the bus together and yeah, Ashton's first day expression. Loved it! And Lily and Jacob and Jacob "grumping" at the dog. Fun to see your family!
I love that you got on the bus and took a picture. What a cute mom you are!
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