Well I really have nothing to post about. We did finally get a camera the other day and I'm thankful. It will just be Darren and my early Christmas present I guess. I'll be glad to be able to take some pics of the kids in their costumes on Friday. Here are some pumpkins the kids helped us carve. The pics we took of them carving were on a disposable camera, so who knows if and when those will get developed. Oh, and has any one ever tried to carve a small pumpkin? It's like carving a cement block. Hence, the square eyes, nose and simple mouth. That thing took me forever, I was literally using a hammer to hammer in the knife each time. It was like carving a bowling ball! Seriously, Lily will have to pick a bigger pumpkin next year, cause I'm never carving a mini ball of steel again! :)

Lily was my target practice using the new camera. She's into pulling odd-ball faces now. I wonder where she learned that from..... wouldn't be her 2 older brothers now would it?

"Look! I'm a fish!"

I think that's hard enough Lily. "I can't breath!" says the dog!

cute, cute, cute! lily is such a doll! i am like the grinch of halloween....we didn't go to the pumpkin patch, we haven't carved pumpkins...and i need to throw some costumes together for the boys. they would have way more fun at your house! :)
What cute pumpkins oh yeah and your carvings were nice too! LOL...
Great pumpkins! Okay, that dog has gotten SOOO big! He's huge! I'm glad you got a new camera. It stinks to spend the money, but if not, you end up being sad for cruddy pictures!
Yeah, ok the dog looks stuffed. It's like a cuddly plush dog.
The fish face made me laugh loud enough to get Kristin's attention in the other room :)
You need to feed Yoda more! Poor guy looks like he is living on a diet of diapers.
I loved the picture of Lily and Yoda getting squeezed so tightly. Your new camera works great! The pumpkins looked really good -- especially Lily's ball of steel :)
When you said you wondered where Lily learned to pull those faces (from big brothers) I was thinking you meant "You". You have always been such a fun person with a great sense of humor!
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