Ashton turned 6 on April 30
th. I can't believe it's been 6 years already! I asked him what kind of cake he wanted. He said he wanted a chocolate cake, with chocolate icing, and chocolate strawberries! Then I asked what presents do you want? He said: "Mom, I want you to surprise me!" So that was easy enough. We did a simple family party this year. (We decided to do family b-day parties this entire year for everyone, it's refreshing once in a while not to have to throw a party, and the kids didn't seem to mind just this once!)
So, after he got home from school, we had his party, opened his presents, ate his super chocolate cake, and then went bowling as a family!
I love you Ashton! You have brought so much joy to our family! You are so unique and so smart! You always have a smile on your face and we all love you so much! Don't grow up too fast!
Happy Birthday!
Here is his super yummy cake!

Birthday boy!

Opening his presents

Cool present from