Our mini Mozarts
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Jacob and Ada
Our friends the Bighams came over one night for dinner. They have a daughter around Ethan's age and a daughter 3 months older than Jacob named Ada. They are really cute together. Thought I'd share a few pics of them.
Our mini Mozarts

Our mini Mozarts
I'm not a big Valentine's Day person. Never have been. But I'm always lucky enough to get flowers. The hubby never fails to surprise me with flowers and a treat. He is so sweet to always think of me on this "love day". What was even better? He got me sugar free chocolate. He know's I'm trying to eliminate sugar for a while, so he thought that would be good. He's sweet. Even though I'm also trying to watch my fat intake and these chocolates are far from being low fat, the thought was really sweet and a chocolate once in a while won't hurt right? :) Thanks honey! Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

Jumpin' Monkey
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Jacob Walking!
My 10 month old has decided to start walking! It's bitter sweet for me since he's our last child. He just grew up so fast! But we are excited to watch him grow and develop. He is such a joy to have in our home! The older kids are having a blast watching him learn to walk! Here are a few pics and a couple videos at the bottom of our newest walker! (oh and he's wearing Ashton's socks, that's why his feet look even bigger than they already are!) ha ha!

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Citizen of the Month
Ashton was awarded "Citizen of the Month" at school for the month of January. We were so proud of him! You have to work pretty hard and be really good to be chosen out of the class. There is a child chosen from each grade level each month. They first got to eat a cupcake and drink some juice, then they were given their awards. We are so proud of you Ashton! Way to go!!!
When Ethan heard that Ashton got it, he said "Wow! Way to go Ashton! I've been trying for 2 years to get that award!" And that is saying something because Ethan is REALLY good in school.
When Ethan heard that Ashton got it, he said "Wow! Way to go Ashton! I've been trying for 2 years to get that award!" And that is saying something because Ethan is REALLY good in school.
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