Saturday, February 6, 2010

Citizen of the Month

Ashton was awarded "Citizen of the Month" at school for the month of January. We were so proud of him! You have to work pretty hard and be really good to be chosen out of the class. There is a child chosen from each grade level each month. They first got to eat a cupcake and drink some juice, then they were given their awards. We are so proud of you Ashton! Way to go!!!
When Ethan heard that Ashton got it, he said "Wow! Way to go Ashton! I've been trying for 2 years to get that award!" And that is saying something because Ethan is REALLY good in school.
Enjoying his treat with the other kids.
He's so proud! :)
His Certificate (which they spelled his name wrong. owell!) :)

Here is the video of the Principle Dr. Spivey giving him his award! We love you Ashton! ♥


Chelsea Cisneros said...

How neat! Congrats Ashton!

vicki said...

No surprise to me! Glad he was recognized for what he is....a Good Citizen!
The surprise is that Ethan has not yet been recognized. Suggestion....inform his teacher(s) of his dear reaction to his brother's recognition. I'll bet anything Teacher just needs a reminder or nudge so he/she will give that good boy a moment's notice.
One of my sons was so good and quiet (and Mama wasn't the 'in-your-face-ain't-my-son-great" mama) that his teacher didn't really notice him. Then, she saw him in his home. All of a sudden my li'l boy was getting the same grades as the other boys.