I've heard of pregnancy brain, but never experienced it till today. I had a dr. apt today, I was late cause I couldn't for the life of me find the dumb entrance to the hospital. I parked in the same parking garage I always park in, went into the same elevator, but for some reason when the elevator opened it was all foreign looking to me. Nothing looked familiar, I was lost, didn't know what building I was supposed to be in, and it literally took me 20 minutes of walking here and there to find my dumb appointment! I literally thought I had lost my mind. Then driving home from the apt. I missed my exit, not by mistake, but literally cause my mind was somewhere else! By the time I got home I felt like I needed to be institutionalized! Seriously! I've always been very sharp witted and "quick minded", until now. I swear that every time you get pregnant you get more grey hair and you literally become more stupid! I will swear by this statement! :)
any way. Enough of that. Another concern now, is I'm going to have this huge mammoth baby boy! He is already measuring 5lb's 7oz and I have about 7-8 weeks left! The doctor said he could easily be a 9 or 10 pounder! HOLY COW!!!! I've had 8 pounders but not anything over. And can I just say, Ashton was my most painful delivery. He was huge and had a big head and it was not something I wanted to repeat, so needless to say, I'm nervous that I'm having another boy (which come with bigger heads) and he will be bigger than Ashton???? Oh have mercy on me please! Any way, enough of that. On the good side. Fat babies make good babies. They are more content and happy. I've had both and I prefer the fatter ones, just not during labor! any way enough rambling for now!
any way. Enough of that. Another concern now, is I'm going to have this huge mammoth baby boy! He is already measuring 5lb's 7oz and I have about 7-8 weeks left! The doctor said he could easily be a 9 or 10 pounder! HOLY COW!!!! I've had 8 pounders but not anything over. And can I just say, Ashton was my most painful delivery. He was huge and had a big head and it was not something I wanted to repeat, so needless to say, I'm nervous that I'm having another boy (which come with bigger heads) and he will be bigger than Ashton???? Oh have mercy on me please! Any way, enough of that. On the good side. Fat babies make good babies. They are more content and happy. I've had both and I prefer the fatter ones, just not during labor! any way enough rambling for now!
I can't believe you only have 7 weeks left! That is so crazy!
As for the pregnancy brain, I feel like my new mommy brain is giving me more trouble! I forget EVERYTHING! (Even my phone number!)
Once again, you crack me up! I'm still laughing about you going into the men's bathroom.....:)
Hang in there! You never know how big they're going to be. The doctors thought Gaven would be bigger than Carsen, who was 9lbs. 11oz, and he was a whole pound smaller. I'm so excited to see what this little boy will look like. Especially since Ethan and Ashton are at 2 ends of the spectrum. I'm still predicting blonde!! Wouldn't that be something!
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