Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Heaven Help Me!

2 days ago the phone rings. I don't recognize who is calling but any way, I say hello. This little girl voice on the other line says... "Is Ethan there?" I pause, kind of stunned, not really knowing who it is. I say "May I ask who is calling?" She says.. "Oh! It's "Jane Doe" from his class!" (named edited just in case they may come across my blog). I said, "um..... Okay.....????? Ethan????? Phone!" He came with a weird look on his face, because he never gets phone calls unless it's from a grandma or something. He says hello and then he just drops the phone and runs off. I said come back here Ethan, you have to at least say good bye! He said "What does she want mom?" I said I don't know, but you have to at least be polite and end the conversation, he then gets back on the phone and says, "what do you want?" I'm dying at this point. One side of me is glad that he's not all giddy and excited to be talking to a girl, the other side of me is embarrassed because he's being really rude to this little girl. But, I still am more proud of him for not being "into this type of thing yet". So he just says, I have to go and hangs up. He then says, "why did she call me mom?" I said, I don't know, how did she get your phone number? He thinks about it for a minute, and then says, "well she asked me for it, but I didn't know why she wanted it and I just told her the number." So I said, "well now you know not to give just anyone your phone number when they ask, that usually means they want to call you!" So needless to say, I am shocked that my 7 year old in 2nd grade is already having girls call. That is way too early! Seriously!!!!! Girls are so crazy now, they are way to forward and I'm freaking out! I told him that I was going to dress him nerdy from here on out! He didn't really care. I'm just glad my son is still into playing with his g.i. joes and playing the computer and wii, and not interested in girls......yet.... Hopefully that will last for many more years! People, harness your young girls! They are growing up too fast! Keep away from my son! ;) ha ha ha!


Briana said...

LOL!! Oh my goodness... can't wait!!

Cassidy said...

Oh that is funny!!!! Robin, you crack me up! I loved your last blog. I was laughing so hard. YOu rock girl. I wish we had hung out more when you were here. . . I could definetly use you.

Stephanie said...

That is funny! I couldn't stop laughing about this. That girl is crazy! How does she know about calling boys??

The Farrell Family said...

Too Funny... I think I'm going to dress Kelsy in little girl clothes as long as I can. The things they have out now! UGH! Its nice to know there are innocent boys out there waiting for my innocent girl!

Briana said...

I thought the same thing one time about the site map. I actually went in to my blog preferences or whatever it's called and changed it so that my blog couldn't be found by googling something. I'm thinking that's where a lot of the international hits are from. But yes, I agree, I think it's a little more scary than flattering!

Kate said...

way too cute...i mean, way not even cool!
you have to admit..ethan is a cutie!

Brewer Bunch said...

Oh, Mylanta!! That makes me want to put a super-turbo charged shield over my house and not let my kids grow up anymore! That post made me laugh about Ethan's response - drop the phone and run!! You remind him of that in about 10 years... ;)

Aspen said...

I was laughing so hard when I read this! What a funny kid you have dropping the phone and running. Good for him...stupid girls!

Carters said...

I love this story! Thanks for sharing!