Yesterday I was walking my dog and there is a house I always walk by that sits right by a lake. The family was out packing up their car to go to their family's house for Thanksgiving. I told them how I always loved their yard and wished we could take our family picture in it. The guy said, "It's all yours! We'll be gone all day, have fun!" So I ran home and told Darren we were going to set up our tripod and take family pictures in someones yard. He wasn't too thrilled with the idea. The one thing we clash on is my spontaneity and his non-spontaneity. He likes to have things planned, as I go with things on a whim. So I started getting the kids ready and myself and we convinced Dad to go along with it and we walked up the street and took our own family shot. I really wanted to have a picture in our Christmas cards this year, so I'm so thankful we did it. Not too shabby of a family pic for us doing it all by ourselves!
The best one we took.
Lily looks funny in this one! :)
Me and my kiddo's. I love Jacob's face in this one.
This one was so pretty with the reflection in the water behind. Too bad Ashton is looking away and Jacob is looking down. :(
We had fun! They aren't professional, but good enough for now! :)